Sunday 8 March 2009


© Associated Content

Today is International Women's Day, and although I like to think I support women, and everything that this day represents (apparently, it is also the day for women's rights, AND International Peace...), as a man, I can't help feeling a bit left out. You can probably argue that each one of the remaining 364 days in the year is in effect an International Men's Day, but it's not the same, and I would like something more official.

Luckily, there is no shortage of official, international days. When you go to the United Nations' website, as I am sure you often do, you can see that there is an International Mother Language Day, a World Post Day, an International Civil Aviation Day, and an International Mountain Day, among more than 50 others.

Still haven't found your dream day? Many other organisations also declare days of celebration. You have World Bread day on the October 16th (launched, rather unsurprisingly, by the International Union of Bakers and Bakers-Confectioners), National Pig Day in the States on March 1st, International stop-snoring week in April (please don't ask me how I know), and World Crochet Day on September 12th, to cite but a few.

All these are worthy causes, I am sure, but not ones that I feel overly concerned with. When is the day where we celebrate everything that is Abraham Septimus? Well, I have scoured the web extensively, and it seems my day is yet to come. But I am keeping faith! And anyway, Friday is Red Nose Day...


Gorilla Bananas said...

Maybe you should campaign for a Septimus Severus Day and then claim it as your own.

Abraham Septimus said...

I didn't know they taught of Septimus Severus in gorilla school. But I'd rather get a day on my own merit. Could take some time...