Friday 9 January 2009


I had decided not to go to the gym this morning, so I thought I would stop at a nearby park to take some pictures in the frozen morning light: these 365 photos don't just take themselves, you know!

As I was looking at the bark of a gnarled old tree, thinking it might make a good subject, a man standing next to me, and whom I had failed to notice, tried to engage in a conversation. Now, I am not a totally asocial person, I even have some friends, but I must admit I was not entirely thrilled by that fellow's overtures: it was early (and I am not a morning person), it was very cold, I was in a bit of a hurry... More crucially, the man had all the signs of the tramp: unkempt hair, bushy beard, scruffy clothes, skin not unlike that bark in texture, the cherry on the cake being a rather unpleasant smell coupled with a poor sense of personal space.

Needing no further encouragement than my occasional monosyllabic responses, he entered in a somewhat one-sided discussion about photography. Surprisingly, he was able to recognise instantly the brand and model of my camera. He then listed the three cameras that he personally owned (I must confess to some incredulity at that mention), and offered to show me his latest acquisition. He obviously took my lack of answer as an assent, because he opened a very battered pouch to reveal what turned out to be a brand new compact camera of the lastest model. And the photos he had taken, which he showed me very spontaneously, weren't half bad either; in fact, I am not sure that what you have seen of my production is to the same standard. We ended up comparing notes on indoor photography, and he even gave me a couple of tips on how to use my new flash.

Going back to my car, I tried to convince myself (without much success I must say) that he was some eccentric professional photographer just back from a week-long nature shoot, where he had no access to running water. The fact is, if he was a tramp, he was a very well-equipped and gifted one. But what worries me most is what he may be saying about me in his blog right now...

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